Viega Megapress S in 3/8 to 2 inches

From now on, the advantages of Megapress S are also available for the small pipe dimensions from 3/8 to 2 inches which are ideal for district heating systems after entering the building.

Viega has expanded the Megapress S piping system by the dimensions 3/8 to 2 inches. This means that from now on you can also press thick-walled steel pipes in local and district heating systems. The press connectors can be used from the building entrance for primary and secondary circuits with indirect connection as well as for systems with direct connection. The FKM sealing element used is suitable for operating temperatures up to +140 °C and pressures up to 16 bar.

To quickly identify the Megapress S press-fit connectors with FKM sealing element for higher thermal loads up to 140 °C they are marked with a white dot. Furthermore, each connector has the “FKM” marking as a further indication of the corresponding sealing element. Special components such as the flat-sealing plug-in piece and the PN 25/40 flanges are part of the practical Megapress S product range as well.

Tunnetut instituutiot vahvistavat sopivuuden

The Material Testing Office of NRW in Dortmund confirms that Viega Megapress S connectors with FKM sealing elements in the dimensions 3/8 to 2 inches are suitable for use in district heating systems after entering the building – in accordance with the AGFW FW 524 worksheet. Further renowned institutions like the District Heating Research Institute in Hanover and the O-ring test laboratory Richter successfully tested the ageing behavior of the materials. The TÜV and the VdS have tested and certified the system as well.

Megapressin valikoima ja sen edut

The "cold" press connection technique of the Viega pipeline systems Megapress, Megapress S and Megapress S XL has made the installation of thick-walled steel pipes more efficient and safer in one swoop. Depending on the pipe dimension, a joint can be completed up to 80 percent faster than with conventional welding - without any fire risk, even if there is still residual water in the pipe network. This is particularly well received in industrial environments. Considering the good order situation and the shortage of skilled workers, the “cold” press connection technique is a great work relief for installers. The table sums the advantages of Megapress up. On the right, we provide you with useful links and information on the Viega Megapress products.


  • Tehokas: jopa 60% vähemmän asennusaikaa verrattuna hitsaukseen, kokoluokissa joiden mitat ovat 3/8-2 tuumaa.
  • Tulenkestävä: kylmäpuristustekniikalla ei tuoteta liekkejä eikä savukaasuja.
  • Ei lisäaikaa tai kustannuksia palontorjuntatoimenpiteisiin.
  • FKM-tiivisteen käyttölämpötila +140 ° C asti.
  • Viega SC-Contour vuodonilmaisin kaikissa Megapress-liittimissä; vahingossa puristamattomat liitokset tunnistetaan välittömästi painetestin aikana.
  • Universally applicable: presses thick-walled steel pipes in nominal connection diameters from 3/8 to 2 inches, regardless of whether the pipe is seamless, welded, black, galvanized or epoxy resin-coated.